
近几年的艺术界已经很少继续使用“后网络”这一词语,想来也不过是五六年的时间。大概在2014以及2015年 “后网络”这个词似乎迎来了它逐渐销声匿迹的最后的巅峰时刻。究其原因,大概因为“后网络”一词本身所定义的内涵就十分模糊,它的“后”并没有和其前身“网络艺术”有着清晰的界限,所以不是关于如何“后”的,更像是关乎互联网本身的;另一个原因则是,2000年代中叶的时间节点去观察互联网有新鲜感,而一种新兴的媒介总有成为艺术媒介的可能,但2010年代中叶之后,互联网已经深入/伸入到了每个人的最平庸的日常,甚至从第二身份过渡成了第一身份,因此,再继续沿用“后网络”及其定义、风格等,则完全成为了一种不必要的赘述。


进入“墙后(Behind the Wall)”展览的展厅,首先映入眼帘的是墙体刷成明黄色的六菱形亭阁,探身而入,视线便与拱形门廊框定的黑人肖像四目相对。这是一位有着如同埃贡·席勒(Egon Schiele)画作般模糊面孔的男子,身着花衣,侧身但正面注视着对位的来者。

News | Longlati Foundation’s Writers’ Acquistion Committe(Shanghai) 2021.9 Collection

In September 2021, during the process of visiting new exhibitions at galleries and institutions, four members of the Longlati Writers’ Acquisition Committee (Shanghai) noticed two female artists born in the 1990s: Zhang Yibei (born in Daqing, Heilongjiang, in 1992) and Liao Wen (born in Chengdu, Sichuan, in 1994). Focusing on sculpture creation and the development of its language, they each employ conceptual or material-driven visual methodologies in their practices. However, they also incorporate elements of corporeality that exist between performance and action within the expanded field of sculpture, thereby forming an open strategy of media interchange. Based on the selection and resolution by the Longlati Writers’ Collection Committee (Shanghai), the Longlati Foundation gladly announces the acquisition of Zhang Yibei’s work “At the pinnacle of despair” (2021) and Liao Wen’s work “The Garden of Adonis” (2021).

News | Sydney Shen “Puritan Salvage Demolition Co. pencil” —— Writers’ Acquisition Committee(Shanghai) 2021 Collection

Sydney Shen (born in 1989 in New Jersey, currently based in New York) is a Chinese-American female artist who has garnered attention from the members of the Longlati Foundation’s Writers’ Acquisition Committee (Shanghai), including Chen Jiaying, Chen Xi’an, Li Suchao, and Yuan Jiawei, in their respective research practices. In her debut exhibition in Shanghai titled “Misery Whip,” presented at Gallery Vacancy in early 2021, Shen combines sculpture, installations, and immersive environments that blend human corporeal history, medical history, archaeological found objects, contemporary symbols, and science fiction narratives. These works create a mirrored reality of the real world, reflecting the tension and intricate texture of constructive practices. In her subsequent solo project titled “Cupio Dissolvi” at Liste Art Fair Basel, the artist further explores one of her signature visual languages. By magnifying and scaling ordinary everyday objects to the point of alienation and weaponization, Shen reflects on internal conflicts, divisions, and renewal within oneself.