View of “Judy Chicago and Stanley Whitney: Call and Response,” 2020, West Bund Art Center, Shanghai

Co-founded by David Su and Zihao Chen, Longlati Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Hong Kong, China. It stands between the cultural landscapes and geo-political realities in change, contributing to the development of contemporary art in its diversity. Since its initiation in 2017, Longlati Collection and Patronage Program has been structured around three themes: 20th-century international women artists, minority and multi-minority cultures, as well as the practices of post-90s Chinese artists.
Women artists, as one of the origins and clues of its collection, have profoundly influenced Longlati Foundation’s actions. Over the past century, feminism has surged in succession around the world, disrupting the male-dominated visual experience of art history and giving rise to many remarkable women artists and extraordinary feminist artworks. With unique and elaborative artistic notions and languages, they have spared no effort to expand the boundaries of institutions and conventions, exploring the narratives of co-existence. Through its Collection and Patronage Program and its Exhibition Program and related research projects, Longlati seeks to evoke discussion and rediscovery of the preceding women artists and promote the work and perceptions of contemporary women artists. Longlati advocates for a stronger voice for women artists, increasing their visibility in the presence of art history and actively raising awareness and reflection on gender inequality in other disciplines and society at large.
Longlati Foundation’s longstanding support of feminism is also connected with the simultaneous rise of minority culture, through which Longlati hopes to create and maintain an unbiased and inclusive discourse. Longlati rejects the strategic or symbolical contemporary exploitation of minority cultures but aims to achieve pluralism with systematic diversity. The minority is not a numerical concept. In Longlati’s vision, the existence of minority culture and multiple minority cultures is not just a monolithic experience but a reality and verity in different contexts and complex dimensions. Longlati attempts to establish a methodized system for the practices of minority people and to provide sufficient academic resources for the intersection of minority and multiple minority cultures.
In addition, Longlati Foundation looks forward to discovering outstanding post-90s Chinese artists and witnessing their development and growth. Besides the Collection and Patronage Program and the Exhibition Program, Longlati has also launched the Artist-in-Residence Program and Writers’ Acquisition Program (Shanghai) in order to gradually improve the collecting apparatus and research platform for post-90s Chinese artists, providing them with excellent exhibition and interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities. Longlati will invite other institutions, curators and scholars across disciplines to engage in dialogue and exchange with the young artists to create a new chapter of astounding manifestations and surging waves. Longlati attempts to capture and document the portrait of a time collectively shaped by the post-90s Chinese artists at a critical stage of their careers.